RTI-Response to Intervention

RTI Coordinator
The RTI Coordinator responsibilities include coordinating all efforts related to academic Response to Intervention (RTI) services in the District, including working with Academic Interventionists to schedule Data Review Meetings in the schools each semester, scheduling and coordinating RTI Tutor training, management of the AIMsweb data system, and coordinating intervention efforts with both the Pupil Appraisal and 504 Coordinators.  The RTI Coordinator is responsible for working with the Academic Interventionist to develop procedures related to providing appropriate RTI academic services within the schools.  In addition, she works with the Federal Programs Supervisor to examine current RTI practices in relation to available funding to support intervention efforts.

 Academic  Interventionist

Academic Interventionists support LPPS schools in the RTI process with assistance of school administrators with direction and information relative to meeting the needs of struggling students.  

Their support roles include monitoring the progress of Tier lll students and working with RTI tutors and teachers. 

In addition, they coordinate Data Review Meetings each semester, train school personnel and oversee weekly progress monitoring data.
RTI Triangle

RTI – Types of Students (Defined)

Tier I Students (Benchmark) – Tier I students are those students who respond well to basic instructional practices.  These are students who are benchmarked according to STAR and AIMSweb scores, grades, and standardized tests scores.

Tier II Students (Strategic) – Tier II students are those who are responding to basic instructional practices, but their academic scores are slightly below what is expected of their age appropriate peers.  Their deficits are evidenced by STAR and/or AIMSweb benchmark scores, grades, and standardized tests scores.

Tier III Students (At-Risk) – Tier III students are those who are not responding appropriately to basic instructional practices and who are performing significantly below what is expected when compared to their age appropriate peers.    Their deficits are evidenced by STAR and/or AIMSweb benchmark scores, grades, and standardized tests scores.


     RTI Parent Brochure

 RTI Tier III at Schools  
RTI Contract Tutors or Teachers in each elementary & middle school throughout the District work with students individually and in small group to provide academic interventions and progress monitoring to students determined to be at-risk in the areas of mathematics, written expression, and reading.  
RTI Academic Interventionists School Assignments  

Tanya Cordray
Denham Springs Elem. 
Walker Elem. 
South Fork
Doyle Elem.
Dana Hutchinson
French Settlement Elem
Gray's Creek
Lewis Vincent
Seventh Ward
Maurepas High
Dana Lee
Springfield Elem.
Doyle High
Bridget Venable
North Live Oak
South Live Oak
Live Oak Elem.
Levi Milton
North Corbin Elem.
South Walker

Aimee Seale McGrew 
Denham Jr.
French Settlement High
Juban Parc Jr.
North Corbin Jr.
Southside Junior
Springfield Middle
Westside Jr.
Monica Hanna
All high schools
Donna Ramsey
Live Oak Middle
Live Oak Jr.
Desaree Strikemiller
Albany Lower
Albany Upper
Albany Middle
Juban Parc Elem.
Southside Elem.
 RTI Web Sites 
Florida Center for Reading Research www.fcrr.org  
Intervention Central  www.interventioncentral.org  
Math Fact Café  http://www.mathfactcafe.com 
Math Drills http://www.math-drills.com