RTI - Response to Intervention

In the 2011-2012 school year, IDEA and Federal Programs collaborated to revise and implement a more effective Response to Intervention Model in elementary and middle schools.

Elementary schools have been provided a reading tutor and a math/written expression tutor for the purpose of providing tier 3 interventions and progress monitoring.  Their training includes specific strategies to use in reading, math and written expression, AIMSWEB, and DIBELS for progress monitoring purposes.

Middle school tutors have been trained in effective use of PLATO for remediation, and AIMSWEB for progress monitoring.

Part-time tutors work under the school principal's authority and receive assistance from the Academic Interventionist assigned to each school.  The IDEA RTI coordinator and Federal Programs staff will conduct informal observations three times per year with attention to reliability and validity of the intervention.

If you have any questions regarding the RTI program in place at your school, please contact Monica Hanna, RTI Coordinator, at 225.686.4243 or [email protected], and Melissa Richardson, Title I Teacher, at 225.686.4314 or [email protected].