Title I, Part A is a program created by the US Department of Education in 1965 to distribute funding to districts and schools with a high percentage of students from low-income families. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and State academic assessments.
Title I funding is targeted to high-poverty schools who serve Kindergarten – 8th graders and is used to provide academic services/interventions/remediation to students, including struggling subgroups, who are educationally disadvantaged or at risk of failing to meet state standards. To qualify for Title I funds a school must contain grades K – 8 and have an overall Economically Disadvantaged rate of 55%.
All LPPS Title I schools operate a school-wide program. The purpose of this type of program is to serve the needs of EACH student in the school and assist in improving their overall academic achievement. Student resources and materials, technology implementation, interventions and remediation opportunities, faculty/staff professional development, and family engagement activities are designed to impact learning opportunities for ALL students attending these schools.
Each Title I school is required to submit a Schoolwide Plan to the district annually. The plan is reviewed by the Federal Programs staff to assure all requirements are being met in a manner that will influence the achievement of each student in the school. A committee comprised of the school administrators, teachers, parents, and community members writes the Schoolwide Plan. The SIP, addressing both strengths and weaknesses at the school, is reviewed and updated annually based on the current year’s data.
Frequently Asked Questions by Family Members:
What are the requirements of the Title I program?
Description and explanation of the types of academic assessment used at the school.
Description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school.
What proficiency levels are students expected to meet?
How does the school serve the at-risk student population?
What types of remediation/intervention opportunities are available at your school?
What types of on/above level instructional opportunities are available at your school?